Sample Layout

Below is a sample layout to give you a feel for what dinner would look like in the French Country Hall with roughly 200 people. We will create a personalized layout for you at your layout meeting 3 weeks prior to your event.

Tables seat between 8-10 people comfortably. In order to determine the number of tables you will need, subtract your head table count from your total guest count. Then divide that number by 10. Abella requires that you assign people to a table, but you do not have to assign them to a chair. We also do not allow over seating.

Property Map

Sending your vendors a map of the property can help them get a lay of the land before they arrive!

Please note: ALL loading must go through the Kitchen Loading Door. The front and side doors are visible to guests and in order to keep the venue in pristine condition and prevent dents and scratches, we require loading to be done through the Kitchen.

abella map.PNG